Happy Year of the Rooster! Chris and I are both roosters, so this year we may or may not be turning 36 and 24, respectively. 😉
I wrote a guide for ParentMap about to
lunar New Year celebrations in the Seattle area. What's your pick? The most authentic experience, the most comfortable for young families or the nicest place to spend the day? If you're really ambitious, you could even make it to all three.

Joseph and Paul look so cute in their New Year's clothes from Taiwan. Paul can grow into his -- it's not meant to be a ground-grazing gown.

Paul's showing me his right ear...

And the other one. So exciting when you can find your ears!

Paul kept looking at the ground -- I think he was intrigued he couldn't see his feet. He ran all the way across the big field and it was his anxious big brother who chased after him and guided him back. Joseph is so good about looking out for Paul.

Pictures from last year
here, and
the year before that when we had just one little boy!