Thanks to my super understanding project manager, I've switched to weekend photo editing shifts. A huge, huge blessing, because it means Chris can take care of Joseph while I'm working. No more booking babysitters, no more sad Joseph desperate for Mommy's lap. And best of all, Joseph gets to spend the weekend with the two people who love him most.
My guys had a good ol' time while I was glued to my laptop. Here, Joseph's checking out this fun new toy: the curtains.

Joseph loves prunes. Lucky thing, because we take regularity very, very seriously in this household.

It won't be long before Joseph is too big for Surfboard Daddy. At our last weigh-in around Christmas, Joseph was 22 pounds. He's 8 months old, and we're heading into the 18-month size clothes already. I'm building up some Michelle Obama arms lugging this kid around.