Three weeks old

Paul is an easy-going, mellow baby, a good eater, a good sleeper, and a fantastic pooper. (Four in a row last night! TMI?) Joseph loves the baby and is always running over to give him kisses with me hovering, not on the head! not on the head! He is missing his time with mama, though, and there are many tears and tantrums for attention. Reading a story to baby during "quiet time," which is not so quiet these days. I live with three boys, and all of them have longer eyelashes than me. How is that fair?! Joseph, demonstrating how to turn his head during tummy time. Paul has turned a dozen or so times, always after lots of complaining. My very hungry (and very sleepy) baby. My boys: four years old and three weeks old. Joseph smacked his forehead onto concrete and needed some serious cheering up. The rainbow lunch plate did help him forget about that terrible owie.

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