Sterling Renaissance Festival

We caught the last day of the Renaissance Festival — it was fun and FUNNY. I didn't know what to expect (we'd never been before) but tons of visitors get dressed up too. Set in year 1585, in a small English village that's has gone all out for the Queen's visit. Live performances all day long. The kids loved the action, and the entertainers threw out lots of adult-only zingers too.

Prepping kids for a duel.
Taking part in a duel.
With a performer holding a flaming torch.
The girl sitting next to me had the prettiest hair, so I asked her if I could take a picture.
Dai with his 2-lb turkey leg.
Lots of live music
Amazing aerialist
An Eurasian eagle owl. Its favorite food is skunk
With a knight in shining armor!
A husband-and-wife team, Judas and Magnolia.
One of the many stages.
Kids loved the dunk pond.
Don't try this at home, kids.
The kids got to ride a camel!
Jousting knights
Brawling knights
King Ryan
Long live the Queen!
Guilty! Someone is excited to lock up her little brother.

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