"It's always harder on the parents," the nice woman in the school's office assured me. She guessed correctly that the panicked caller — me — was sending her first kid to kindergarten.

Now that the first week is a wrap, I can start to breathe again. Joseph says he likes school — his favorite things are recess, snack and lunch. We made it through the week without using the spare set of clothes and with only a few tears. Here's a look at those first few days of kindergarten.

I cheated a bit on the photo for that all-important "first day of kindergarten" Facebook post. I took the picture the day we met Joseph's teacher because technically, it was the first day of school. Plus, I knew we'd be stressed out and running late on the actual first day of kindergarten.

Nearly every weekend this summer, while baby brother napped, Joseph and my husband hit the playground at his soon-to-be elementary school. We also took every kindergarten tour offered, and the new student tour to boot. I wanted Joseph to be ultra-comfortable in his new environment. This year, Seattle Public School introduced a family connections meeting for every incoming kindergartner, a half-hour with the teacher before starting school. It was great to have that one-on-one time and to explore the classroom without the chaos of 20 new students.

Joseph's favorite thing in the world is birthdays. So we played it up, celebrating with a "Happy Kindergarten to You!" chocolate cake the night before, and greeting him with balloons at pickup.
Joseph lives for meals (he's my child, after all). I'd been warned about how little the kids would eat at school, but I was still surprised by his full lunchbox at the end of the day.

Our neighbor across the street, mom of a middle-schooler, remembered how scary that first day of kindergarten was. But just wait, she warned, until you drop off your daughter at her first dance.
Beautiful photos JiaYIng!