First time back in Syracuse in 11 years! It was interesting to see what's changed and what's still the same.
Chris and I went on our first date in 6.5 years. The spinach burrito at Alto Cinco on Westcott was just as good as I remembered it. The place expanded into the space next door, and prices have gone up a bit. (That $12 burrito used to be $8, which was affordable for a college student because I'd eat half for lunch, half for dinner.) We bumped into a retired newspaper professor and an old Lancaster Avenue neighbor. Small world.

Because when you're in Syracuse, you MUST go to Wegmans, the world's best grocery store...

...and Dinosaur BBQ, the world's best bar-b-que.

Waipo was intent on taking the boys fishing. The only thing we caught was a bunch of big trees at Green Lake.

Joseph and Paul went to my alma mater. Newhouse III, which isn't really that new of a building anymore, was so shiny and modern.

These lucky kids got to go to Sno Top twice. I handed Joseph an ice cream, and told Paul to share with his brother, but the little one wasn't having it. He wanted his OWN ice cream. That's my kid.