The coop preschool pageant was Friday night. I wasn't sure if we were going to make it -- 6:30 p.m.?! -- but amazingly, Joseph had a nap and a poop so we were good to go. The twos class preformed two songs, "Wiggy Wiggy Wiggles" and "Turn Around."

When the curtains parted, the first thing I saw is that little belly I love.

Joseph looks terrified -- I would be too! But look, he got on stage,
didn't cry and even shook his egg shakers.

For the last number, "I'm in the Mood," the entire school got on stage. Joseph spotted me in the audience, which gave him a boost of confidence, and strutted to the front of the stage and did an impromptu little dance. So proud of you!

M&M cookies for a surprise treat after the show. Nom nom nom...