
We started preschool in January, and I say "we" because I'm there the entire 1.5 hours a week with him. Let's not get too crazy here -- Joseph isn't going to let his mama out of sight. At first I was apprehensive about how he'd do in a crowd of 18 tots and 18 adults, but over the last couple of months, he has really opened up socially. Now preschool is the highlight of our week. One of the biggest attractions is the sensory table, where he somehow always manages to work a few kernels of corn or beans down his onesie and into his diaper. Eww. This past week I was the snack parent, which meant leaving Joseph to get snack ready during circle time. He did not even look over at me! This is a huge, HUGE leap of independence for him. Look! Holding someone else's hands! Joseph is always so proud of himself after he gives his teacher a high-five at the end of class.


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