A change of scenery for a few days makes me see how nutty Seattle's growth is. Only one crane in downtown Portland!


Synchronized waffle eating.

The continental breakfast at the hotel was ALL MY DREAMS COME TRUE. Food I didn't have to make!

We saw the
special exhibition at OMSI where this guy took dead bugs and little creatures and arranged them into beautiful patterns. A little creepy and very cool.

These little bugs looked just like jewels in their display case.


The boys got inked with insect tattoos.

In the chemistry lab, testing various metals over a bunsen burner to see what color flame they produce. I walked around the rest of the day with a safety goggle imprint on my face.


Drove up a giant hill to the OHSU (huge hospital complex) to take the tram downhill. It's free going down, and I'm so cheap I made Chris drive to the bottom to pick us up.

Portland Art Museum. Joseph and Paul lasted about 15 minutes in there. Sigh.




Joseph got some free tickets to Playdate, so we decided to use them at the Portland branch to check it out. Similiar to the Seattle one, only this one is castle themed.