Once a year, I'll get a cheap hotel room and the kids get to eat sugary cereal, watch cartoons and go swimming. This is the life! I asked Joseph what his favorite part of Portland was, and he said, "Froot Loops!" I never buy that stuff, but if it's at the free hotel breakfast...







Wait, we did stuff in Portland too, not just hung out in the hotel. We planned just one major outing each day, because, traveling with kids. DAY 1: We played "I Spy" through the galleries at the Portland Art Museum. The contemporary wing was my favorite. Joseph saw someone he knew, and we found a Calder mobile for Paul.





DAY 2: OMSI. Not going to lie, it makes my tiger mom heart skip a beat to see my boys in the chemistry lab wearing safety goggles. We loved making flubber!





PDX requisites:
Voodoo Donuts and Powell's City of Books.




DAY 3: Oregon Zoo. Go Cougs.