I can't say enough good things about Joseph's piano teacher, Mr. Michael. When Joseph started lessons, he couldn't even separate his middle and ring fingers to play the individual keys. He's learned a ton about music from Mr. Michael — and also about how a new piece gets easier with practice. Paul will be starting lessons the minute he turns 6.

Mr. Michael is great musician AND he is amazing with kids AND he comes to our house. Tri-fecta. He put together a spring recital for the kids this weekend, in the beautiful chapel performance hall at the Good Shepherd's Center. It was a fun and supportive place for the kids to show off what they've been working on.



Group photo taken by a friend.

Also, I made a total breakthrough at the last lesson. When Mr. Jarrett, my 8th grade chamber teacher, counted, I always thought he was saying, "One-eeeie and a two-eeeie," as in "eenie meenie miney moe." Twenty-four years later, I learned that he was actually saying, "1 e & a 2 e."

