Looks like spring

We had a freakishly sunny day so we went to the Olympic Sculpture Park to soak it in. Lots of other people had the same idea, and the park was filled with people in T-shirts and shorts! Really, Seattle-ites are an optimistic bunch. (It was probably 55 degrees out.) OSP is the nexus of all things wonderful in life: views of boats and trains, built-in parking (Chris works in the building next door) and of course, art. Joseph was happy to walk around on the grass and curbs and little rocks. At one point, he took a tumble and started crying. A little girl, probably 7 or so, had gathered a handful of dandelions and daisies. She came over all on her own and gave one of her treasures to Joseph, who was immediately happy again. Such a sweet, thoughtful act. Joseph clutched that dandelion in his fist the rest of the afternoon, saying "Hwah! Hwah!"


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