Chris' McGrath aunts and uncles get together every three years for a great big family reunion. Lucky for us, this year was a reunion year, and even better, the reunion was held within driving distance, at Port Townsend. We spent the last week of July at Fort Worden where Joseph got to meet his cousins, aunts, uncles, great-aunts, great-uncles, and best of all, his 87-year-old Great-Grandmother McGrath who flew all the way over from New York.

This lucky little boy got extra smooches and love all week long. His outfit is from his stylish Aunt Maura, and the soft snuggly blanket was handmade by Aunt Ellen.

We stayed in the old officers' quartes, circa 1904.

Joseph is a natural morning person -- all smiles when he wakes up! So we are learning to become morning people too.