Jefferson’s neighbors, James Madison and James Monroe
The evening before we went to Monticello, we bumped into a family at the hotel pool that had gone to Monticello that day. The dad told me, "Hey, Madison's house is on the way, and Monroe's house is right next to Monticello." Wait, WHAT.
That smelled like a giant marketing opportunity to me. The third, fourth and fifth presidents live within a couple miles of each other, and I missed this?? I LIVE for dorky things like the Freedom Trail.
Jefferson, Madison and Monroe were basically the Three Musketeers. Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, Madison was the Father of the Constitution, and Monroe is best known for the Monroe Doctrine (which warned European nations to butt out of the Western Hemisphere).
Jefferson's house was the spiffiest, with a giant visitor's center and hordes of visitors. At Monroe's house, the visitors barely outnumbered the staff. Madison's house fell somewhere in between.