Fox Hollow Farm

Joseph finished potty-training this summer! To celebrate, we went to Fox Hollow Farm. I'd heard about the farm from some preschool friends, but seeing is believing, and this place is truly magical. The meadow is filled with patient animals -- used to being poked all day long, no doubt! Yes, there was poop underfoot, but we were prepared and wore closed-toed shoes for the occasion. We were able to get so close, much closer than at the zoo or anywhere else. I'd packed a picnic lunch, and as we were having our PB&J, a peacock hopped around hoping for a taste. In first grade, I rode a pony at the school carnival and was terrified. The horse was so big, and that lap seemed endless. I wasn't sure how Joseph would feel about being on horseback, so I just bought one pony ride ticket. Halfway through his lap, Joseph asked, "媽媽有買兩張票嗎?" (Did Mama buy two tickets?) The young staffers driving the miniature train were so sweet and took Joseph on lap after lap after lap. I asked Joseph if he wanted for a ride without Mama, and he did! The farm is outside our usual radius, a 40-minute drive to Issaquah, with beautiful mountains all around. On our way out, we found a peacock feather on the ground. It's one of Joseph's most prized possessions.

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