Baby Finn

The sweetest, most mellow baby in the world is right here.

Finn's mom and dad, Angela and Lewis, are former colleagues from the P-I. We went to Pike Place Market because it's one of their favorite places in Seattle.

Finn, 8 months old, was a little trooper during the photo shoot. He kept peering at all the exciting sights and smells. He loved the dogs -- "Dog!" is one of his first words -- and the other little babies at the market. It's amazing how babies seem to recognize each other in the big people world.

I love Finn's little toes. Too cute!

Happy anniversary, Matt and Jan

My brother-in-law Matt and his wife, Jan, are celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary this month. We made family pictures in Richland's Howard Amon Park, also known as "the big fish park."

Model extraordinaire Nora stole the show, but I think her Mom and Dad won't mind too much. Let me tell you, it was hard work keeping up with a kindergartener!

Congratulations, Matt and Jan, on your many years of happy marriage. And thank you for setting such a good example for Chris.

Violinist for hire

My little brother, Andrew, is one of those annoyingly gifted musicians who never has to practice. He flew to Seattle earlier this month to play at my wedding. We walked down the aisle to Canon in D, and back to Ode to Joy.

Andrew is now pre-med at Cornell; I made this photo of him when he was still in high school. If you are looking for a musician to play at your wedding, I'll book him for you (and take a finder's fee, of course).