Look back: Skaneateles

I started out in photography on the journalism track, telling stories through pictures. This story is about a woman named Candy who works at a dairy farm in Upstate New York.

Looking back, I'm amazed how open Candy was, letting me photograph her work and her life. In school, they teach you that photojournalists are supposed to be "flies on the wall." But let's get real -- who can ignore a click-click-clicking shadow following you everywhere? I'm grateful for the opportunity she gave me to make these pictures, and also for the glimpse she gave me into the hard work at a dairy farm.

Candy yanks on chains around the baby's legs to help a mother give birth to her first. The calf died.


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Discovery Park

Seattle was blessed with a beautiful fall Sunday, sunny and breezy, perfect for a walk. After living in the area more than four years, I visited Discovery Park for the first time. Chris and I hoped to spot a cougar, but the closest thing we saw was a lady in a WSU hat. A bald eagle flew directly overhead, low, while we sat at the beach. My initial reaction was, "It looks just like the eagles in pictures! Continue reading

Morning light

I'm an obscenely cheerful morning person. (Hard to believe I worked the night shift for almost three years, when I'd regularly stumble home after 1 a.m.)

I love watching the sun rise. First pink, then gold streaking into my kitchen.

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Jake’s senior pictures

Understandably, Kathy was a little worried about the two people driving around in her Honda. One was her teenage son, Jake, with a learner's permit; the other was me, a city transplant who hasn't driven in three years.

Jake drove back to the house without hitting anyone, and I got a great tour of West Seattle. It was the most beautiful Saturday in weeks, the perfect day for doing senior portraits.

Jake is headed to Eastern Washington this fall. Look at that blingin' tassel!

Jake suggested this picture against the concrete wall along his driveway. I like the way it turned out. We did get some funny looks from Kathy, who pulled into her driveway to see me sprawled out flat on the ground to make this picture.