Joseph and I took a little trip, just the two of us, to my sister's new place in Santa Clara. My mom flew out too, so Joseph got to spend some time with his Wai Pwoh. When Wai Pwoh visited us this time last year, Joseph adored her, but this time, Joseph is a little older and more wary of new people, so it took both of them a couple of days to warm up to each other. By the end of the week, Joseph was melting his grandmother's heart by calling her "Pwoh!"
A ton of new words spilled out of Joseph during our visit, I think because he felt comfortable surrounded by Chinese-speaking people. He knows his numbers and colors, and decided to call his auntie "Ah" (for "Ahyi").

Travelling with a 16-month-old isn't ideal for sightseeing. So yes, we went all the way to California to visit the playground and the Barnes & Noble (which had a train table -- hallelujah). I think Joseph's inherited my OCD -- he lined up the trains
just so.
Joseph is walking by himself now, but still bumbling , hence the terrible owie on his forehead. 🙁

We found a book/fire engine -- best invention ever!