Fun day trip with kids! Right next to the Bremerton ferry terminal, there a great park with big fountains and a FREE naval museum.

The naval museum has a cute kids play room on the second floor and friendly volunteers. Not far away, there's a navy ship you can tour too, the USS Turner Joy (admission $22 adults, $15 kids).

Our favorite was the harborside fountain park. There are pretty sculptures, and a series of huge fountains that erupt every now and then. Are they submarines? Orcas? Volcanoes? It's open to interpretation.

The last time I was in Bremerton was for a job interview at The Kitsap Sun in 2009, in the post P-I daze. (I did not get the job, which saved me from sleeping under my desk because final edition wrapped up after the last ferry!) Way overdue for a visit.