My other husband's new movie is now out in theaters, so we went to see the related “Boys in the Boat” exhibit at MOHAI. It's small, just three glass display cases of memorabilia.
Members of the UW rowing team that won Olympic gold in 1936
German Olympic rowing shirt and Don Hume’s Olympic gold medalJoe Rantz’s German-made American flag and Bob Moch’s Olympic blazerRowing shell built by George and Stan Pocock in 1956MOHAI's Boys in the Boat exhibit
I thought it was super cool, but my kids were far more impressed with the exhibit about Native knowledge and science. "Roots of Wisdom" is a special ex developed by OMSI that is all games, games, games.
Interactive game restoring a traditional Hawaiian fish pondActivity replicating a traditional woven designMOHAI worked with the Tulalip tribes for an addition to the OMSI-developed exhibitActivity planting crops in a traditional Hawaiian communityFoods with Native origins include popcorn, chocolate, vanilla, pumpkin and chewing gum.Using blocks to build a healthy stream with fish, wood debris, curves and fish ladders.