It's been fun watching the black and white challenge going around on Facebook. Some of my photo friends dug up decades-old gems from their archives, others shot something on the way in to work. This challenge was tough for me because I love color, but I found a couple recent frames that worked out:

Day 1: Joseph was not impressed by the reindeer at Swanson's, but he liked the Radio Flyer wagon a whole bunch.

Day 2: My high school art teacher once told me his favorite time of year is when the trees are beginning to bud, offering just a hint of green. I entered Mr. Niedzwiecki's painting and drawing class nearly 20 years ago (yikes!) and he still influences me every day. He taught me to see.

Day 3: Lasley Violins in Ballard fixed the sound post in Joseph's violin, and the case too -- for free! Earned our gratitude and exclusive future business.

Day 4: Joseph and 外婆 walking through the Bellevue Botanical Garden. We hardly ever get over to the Eastside, but this is one place that makes the drive worth it.

Day 5: Some news to share... Joseph is going to be a big brother! Baby #2 is due in early May.