Harry Potter exhibit at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia

The guy at the hotel's front desk asked what was on my necklace (a stag), and I start explaining all about patronuses, and he gets a look in his eyes like, "Help! I'm stuck behind this desk and this crazy lady won't stop talking." 😅 I know WAY too much about Harry Potter, and here are WAY too many pictures. We got to fully geek out at the Franklin Institute's Harry Potter special exhibition. It is SO GOOD. Paul especially loved all the interactive features.

The show runs through Sept. 18. It's a $30 surcharge for members, but only $20 if you go after 5 p.m.

The Fat Lady, who really moves
Scan your wristband and your name appears on the Marauder's Map.
Playing Quidditch
The portkey took us to the Quidditch World Finals
Enemies of the heir, beware!
Tom Riddle's diary and a basilisk fang
Final battle, between Voldemort and Harry
Harry's cupboard beneath the stairs.
Umbridge's office door at the Ministry of Magic
Hufflepuff's cup and Ravenclaw's diadem
The Great Hall
Hagrid's hut
Ridikkulus spell on the bogart in Defense Against the Dark Arts.
Platform 9 3/4
The sorting hat
Peering into a crystal ball in divination class
The Tri-Wizard Cup
Entering the Ministry of Magic
Repotting mandrakes
Vials of memories
We're inside the pensieve!
The Franklin Institute! Funny thing is, I never went inside when I lived in Philly.

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