D.C.: Architecture

Showing the kids our nation's capital was a bucket list item delayed 2 years by you-know-what. But SO worth it. These boys ranked D.C. above Disneyland. 🤨

I am the kind of person who researches everything to death, and I condensed the tips I learned about how to make the most of a trip to D.C. for this story in The Seattle Times.

Small children have little patience for exploring lovely old DC neighborhoods, so I had to get my architectural sightseeing where I could. Seattle is 99 percent hulking Craftsman or diminutive mid-centuries; the change of pace was nice.

We stepped out of the Federal Triangle Metro station and my jaw dropped. You guys, this is the outside of the EPA building!!? LOVED the classic architecture in D.C.
Wonder how much these lovely townhomes go for. Love the details on the windows.
Stairwell at the Museum of Natural History.
Corinthian columns outside the National Archives.
Joseph was most impressed with the super long escalator into the Metro.
The Hirshhorn was under construction. They made the scaffolding literally a work of art.
Ceiling inside the Smithsonian Castle.
The breezeway outside the EPA. If you zoom in, the lady on the bike is filming as she rides. I wasn't the only one impressed.
Undulating lines of the Museum of the American Indian.
Would have loved to wander through Old Town Alexandria, but we were pressed for time and attention spans. This a drive-by shot out the window of the cab.

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