Waipo boot camp

Joseph is a physically cautious kid, never enjoyed climbing even as a little baby. I never had to worry about him getting into trouble, but now I worry about him keeping up with other kids his age. We tried two different gymnastics classes, and both ended badly. In the month since I had baby, Joseph's been going to the park every day with Waipo. One morning, I met them at Big Howe and I was amazed how much Joseph has grown in these past weeks. And he was so proud to show me his new skills! Running along the ledge outside McClure Middle School. New soccer ball purchased the day I went to the hospital. Joseph loves butterflies, and loves this ball. Now he's dribbling it all over big field below the playground. Joseph played hide-and-seek with his soccer ball all the way home. It got crazy hot (okay, 80-something) so we let Joseph get soaked in the fountains at UVillage. Joseph is usually daydreaming or doing his own thing, but last week at Small Frye, he actually followed along the art teacher's instructions. Baby steps.

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