Thomas Dambo’s Ballard troll

Yesterday evening, recycle artist Thomas Dambo unveiled his 5th and final Seattle-area troll at the National Nordic Museum in Ballard. "I believe there is no such thing as trash," Dambo told the sold-out crowd. "Yet the world is running out of resources, while we are drowning in trash.

Thomas Dambo and his wife, Alexa Piekarski, in front of the National Nordic Museum.
Thomas, Alexa and their 1-year-old twin boys.
The Vashon troll was unveiled on Sunday. "I found my dream of being an artist in a garbage can," he said. "Trash is a treasure."
The Ballard troll is the 125th troll. Why trolls? Dambo said he never had patience for drawing, adding, "If I build trolls, nobody can tell me it looks wrong."

Here's a link to my story about the troll project for Seattle's Child.

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