Family-friendly Pasadena

Cougar fans have one last shot for the foreseeable future to cheer on their team at the Rose Bowl, when WSU plays UCLA on Oct. 7. (RIP, Pac-12.) We went to scope out family-friendly Pasadena ahead of the game.

Some snaps from sunny Pasadena here, and a link to my story for Seattle's Child.

Pasadena in one picture: palm trees, red clay tile roofs, the San Gabriel mountains.
SoCal from the sky.
Those trees! They look like lollipops, or something out of Dr. Seuss.
The original Trader Joe's, established Aug. 25, 1967.
Love the tiles.
The cutest stickers at the USC Pacific Asia Museum!
This seems like a weird thing to say, but the sky felt so big. Like it just went on forever. Ten minutes from downtown LA, completely different world.
The mansion at the top of the mountain belongs to the founder of eHarmony.
Even the freeways.
Colorado Boulevard is Route 66.
Vroman's Bookstore, the oldest and largest indie bookstore in SoCal.
Kidspace Children's Museum
Parkway Grill
USC Pacific Asia Museum

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