Out and about in Boston

I'm a sucker for these beautiful historic homes in Boston, though I think it'd be impractical for a family to live in one. I'd have to get rid of the kids and win the lottery.

There was barely food left in Chinatown after we went through there. The boys were happy to see a cool playground right next to the Chinatown gate.

Rainbow sprinkles on top of three scoops of Toscanini's.

Theater of Electricity show at the Museum of Science. The presenter stepped into this giant metal birdcage, turned on the lightening machine, then zapped herself a bunch of times. For extra measure, she ran her fingers all around the metal cage. Spoiler: she survived.

We brought the drizzle with us and it helped cool things off. Good day to wander Faneuil Hall and eat a lobster roll!

Site of the Boston Massacre, a spot on the sidewalk.
With Samuel Adams.

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